couple more days to go...tahan least m outta the office for 3 days...can sleep in abit later in the mornings....ahhhhh...simple joys of life...
studying sux big time....chilling out tonite....will hit the books like training for a sports event.....itz all abt pacing ! (as if i wld know..heh)
on a more entertaining (for 'some' pple in the know) and annoying (for me) this fella suddenly dam 'frenly' loh.....whole day send me boh liao emails and look for chance to ask qns...if i ignore then i appear unfrenly....but if i answer then might give salah idea and encourage unwanted attention....then like dat how la....? si buay difficult to cho lang....
Really 'salah bus stop' is all i can say....coz if i say more then i really super bitch liao...
I can only hope that the "Jie Jie"(taaa maaa de) that started this can go nip the problem in the bud then case closed...
what to do....mei li wo fa ke ke ke ke......***peng san***
May 31, 2006
May 28, 2006
Happy plastic...itz fantastic?! cards....makes shopping more convenient...also cause alot of pple alot of heartache if not handled w prudence... alot of girls look like barbie dolls brought to life....makes men drool and go weak in the knees? but what does it really do? ego booster or self esteem destroyer?
what makes a fren go thru' double eyelid surgery? or an already beautiful lady go thru' a face lift...? it makes me wonder.....they "are" or rather "were" already good looking ....but somehow they didn't think it was enough..........lasik i can is less cumbersome without having to fumble for glasses or contact lenses.....but to willingly go thru' the pain and risk of surgery? i don't get it...
maybe they look in the mirror and they see beauty....i look at them and i actually feel sad for them...a fren has once teased me n called me "shallow" coz any guy i meet gotta pass my 'eye scan criteria' 1st..ha...but then again ...i'm lookg at the au naturale, god given appearance mah...nothing wrong w that what.....wldn't want some artificially beefed up, botoxed injected dude oso itz not double standard....itz P's consistent standards..arrr haa haaa.....
ok....enough nonsense....bedtime......countdown... 1 wk to freedom! can't wait.... alot of girls look like barbie dolls brought to life....makes men drool and go weak in the knees? but what does it really do? ego booster or self esteem destroyer?
what makes a fren go thru' double eyelid surgery? or an already beautiful lady go thru' a face lift...? it makes me wonder.....they "are" or rather "were" already good looking ....but somehow they didn't think it was enough..........lasik i can is less cumbersome without having to fumble for glasses or contact lenses.....but to willingly go thru' the pain and risk of surgery? i don't get it...
maybe they look in the mirror and they see beauty....i look at them and i actually feel sad for them...a fren has once teased me n called me "shallow" coz any guy i meet gotta pass my 'eye scan criteria' 1st..ha...but then again ...i'm lookg at the au naturale, god given appearance mah...nothing wrong w that what.....wldn't want some artificially beefed up, botoxed injected dude oso itz not double standard....itz P's consistent standards..arrr haa haaa.....
ok....enough nonsense....bedtime......countdown... 1 wk to freedom! can't wait....
man and body...
today my cousin got's side cousin....see her at most once or twice a yr type....
so off we went to attend yet another wedding dinner...boring right? wrong....tis was more drama then i expected...
as the dinner started late...we were feelg quite hungry least the couple had some frenz who could really sing so there was some real nice entertainment.....while most we craning their necks to see the stage and enjoy the performance, low and behold i literally saw my dad roll and fall off his chair!...wah lau eh! peng san attack #2!
mum was at his side at an instant, and so were a couple of relatives....helped him up to the chair and let him rest for awhile....face was darn pale....breathing was short......body was breaking out in cold sweat.....scary shit......after awhile he recovered enuff to tell everyone to continue to eat ...mumbled itz embarrasing ....soon made a trip to the loo....but came back complaining that he felt very cold...and could see he was shivering......
not a gd sign....we left the hotel doorman's help...jump taxi queue....mum went w dad to hospital while i went to get the car and slowly weave thru' the orchard road jam...
this is the 2nd attack in 3mths.........1st time was scarier coz we thot he was having a heart attack...this time arnd...not so panicky....but still v worrying....
Despite all the technological/medical advances...itz puzzling when they still can't tell you for sure what is wrong exactly.....all the vital signs are itz back to the 'inner ear imbalance' yet another apptm to see the specialist this wk..
The human body....more than the sum of itz individual complex yet works without us even strong yet so fragile....just one small particle dislodged in the inner ear to wreck havoc on the entire hard to fathom......
i also dunno why i can't mum can't either......looks like my dad has to lay off it as well.....he had some beer on a v empty stomach and that probably didn't help.....i think maybe itz genetic.......i've got an anti-alcohol gene....maybe someone shld fund a research to pinpoint the gene and cultivate can administer to those recovering alcoholics...just one jab of this and you'll lay off drinks for sure! think it'll be much more effective than AA.....
jokes aside...gotta take care of our health...with it all things are possible....
so off we went to attend yet another wedding dinner...boring right? wrong....tis was more drama then i expected...
as the dinner started late...we were feelg quite hungry least the couple had some frenz who could really sing so there was some real nice entertainment.....while most we craning their necks to see the stage and enjoy the performance, low and behold i literally saw my dad roll and fall off his chair!...wah lau eh! peng san attack #2!
mum was at his side at an instant, and so were a couple of relatives....helped him up to the chair and let him rest for awhile....face was darn pale....breathing was short......body was breaking out in cold sweat.....scary shit......after awhile he recovered enuff to tell everyone to continue to eat ...mumbled itz embarrasing ....soon made a trip to the loo....but came back complaining that he felt very cold...and could see he was shivering......
not a gd sign....we left the hotel doorman's help...jump taxi queue....mum went w dad to hospital while i went to get the car and slowly weave thru' the orchard road jam...
this is the 2nd attack in 3mths.........1st time was scarier coz we thot he was having a heart attack...this time arnd...not so panicky....but still v worrying....
Despite all the technological/medical advances...itz puzzling when they still can't tell you for sure what is wrong exactly.....all the vital signs are itz back to the 'inner ear imbalance' yet another apptm to see the specialist this wk..
The human body....more than the sum of itz individual complex yet works without us even strong yet so fragile....just one small particle dislodged in the inner ear to wreck havoc on the entire hard to fathom......
i also dunno why i can't mum can't either......looks like my dad has to lay off it as well.....he had some beer on a v empty stomach and that probably didn't help.....i think maybe itz genetic.......i've got an anti-alcohol gene....maybe someone shld fund a research to pinpoint the gene and cultivate can administer to those recovering alcoholics...just one jab of this and you'll lay off drinks for sure! think it'll be much more effective than AA.....
jokes aside...gotta take care of our health...with it all things are possible....
May 25, 2006
who yanked the stopper from the sink?
today dam shack.......effects of not enough sleep......
feel like machiam a sink like dat.....somebody yanked out the stopper and all the energy all kena zapped out....wanna collapse into bed n sleep for 24hrs...but alas still gotta work 2mr....
afternn kena 'scanned' again.......she came back from lunch and say 'didn't get to eat'.........i was like 'huh? why never eat?"
then she say "no no...what i mean is never get to eat with you guyz"........i dunno what to say.....just mumbled somethg like 'neh-mind one mah'........some just don't get it........
maybe I am just mean...but really too tired to entertain pple i really dun bother with during my precious lunch hr....feel like it'll be v fake to make small talk and 'get to know you' kinda shit.......
which is worse? being a bitch or being a hypocrite?
i prefer the least itz honest.......
feel like machiam a sink like dat.....somebody yanked out the stopper and all the energy all kena zapped out....wanna collapse into bed n sleep for 24hrs...but alas still gotta work 2mr....
afternn kena 'scanned' again.......she came back from lunch and say 'didn't get to eat'.........i was like 'huh? why never eat?"
then she say "no no...what i mean is never get to eat with you guyz"........i dunno what to say.....just mumbled somethg like 'neh-mind one mah'........some just don't get it........
maybe I am just mean...but really too tired to entertain pple i really dun bother with during my precious lunch hr....feel like it'll be v fake to make small talk and 'get to know you' kinda shit.......
which is worse? being a bitch or being a hypocrite?
i prefer the least itz honest.......
May 20, 2006
Losing my marbles?
think i might be losing it...
this aftn...walk into bathroom intending to wash my face (coz eyes kept closing while staring at textbook...thot some soap & water might help wake me up)
...picked up the toothbrush and started brushing my teeth instead..only realised it like 3/4ways thru' snapped back into what the fish was i doing?
quite scary sometimes...must b how amnesia patients feel...i'd better start taking some gingko biloba/lingzhi/soy lecithin stuff....heard it helps with mental capabilities...i'm afraid i might be aging faster than i'm comfortable with...whole of this week darn lethargic siah...(could be the zero exercise also la i suppose)
on the bright side, was chatting with an ex-collg and she thot i was born in 1980.....***teee hee hee*** well....for the record i thot she looked 4yrs younger than she is too...
which reminds me..gotta pester a certain someone for my SKII "t-oink t-oink" miracle water...heh heh...
ah yes...another a wedding invite to a dive fren's big day...think they all know me so well as pea....cldn't even spell my real name right...2nd wedding invite in 2wks liao that got it salah...1st one still can forgive...dun know him that well...but scums ah...wah lau....boh sim siah....
ah well.....i'm not getting's not getting frens can't remember my real name.......but hey at least I have clean teeth...=)
we make the best outta life eh?
this aftn...walk into bathroom intending to wash my face (coz eyes kept closing while staring at textbook...thot some soap & water might help wake me up)
...picked up the toothbrush and started brushing my teeth instead..only realised it like 3/4ways thru' snapped back into what the fish was i doing?
quite scary sometimes...must b how amnesia patients feel...i'd better start taking some gingko biloba/lingzhi/soy lecithin stuff....heard it helps with mental capabilities...i'm afraid i might be aging faster than i'm comfortable with...whole of this week darn lethargic siah...(could be the zero exercise also la i suppose)
on the bright side, was chatting with an ex-collg and she thot i was born in 1980.....***teee hee hee*** well....for the record i thot she looked 4yrs younger than she is too...
which reminds me..gotta pester a certain someone for my SKII "t-oink t-oink" miracle water...heh heh...
ah yes...another a wedding invite to a dive fren's big day...think they all know me so well as pea....cldn't even spell my real name right...2nd wedding invite in 2wks liao that got it salah...1st one still can forgive...dun know him that well...but scums ah...wah lau....boh sim siah....
ah well.....i'm not getting's not getting frens can't remember my real name.......but hey at least I have clean teeth...=)
we make the best outta life eh?
May 15, 2006
so long and thanks for all the (general?) fish

ah....nothing like a good weekend out diving and eating...where i look all arnd and all i see is the endless span of the sea...raffles place seems so far awayyy...darn nice feeling siah...
the kaleebso...we went ...armed with a couple of dvds but alas the player was broken, thank goodness for our resident, ultra talented hokkien speaking organiser...had us all in stiches with his powderful hokkien translations of excerpts of 'angels n demons' and '10 sex truths from some girly magazine'...(pen hai zi also contributed by shoving articles under fata's nose for him to read...)
much betta than scary movie 3 i'd think!!!.....
ah...tis gd to be a paying customer on the kaleebso...the food surpasses expectations of any liveabd...the company is great...and the diving is purely optional...=P
now that we're back to reality...time really does fly when u r having fun...or in my case nuah-ing...tis time to start thinkg of next destination so as to give us the motivation to get to work and make some moolah to fund the next expedition...since this week toto 'ko leng bo tio ley'...=(
May 09, 2006
Helpdesk..can i haptchu?
today ah…really feel like IT helpdesk…..received countless calls from my collg from the middle east callg to enquire abt stuff…stuff like how to see my client’s portfolio loan/cash/purchases figure in the system har?.....what...…I from IT dept is it?
I only thank my lucky stars this fella still not of the super-tongue-rolling sub-species so at least still can understand him perfectly. Otherwise ah…confirm ‘puuu hui’…
Then as if not time consuming enuff...collg from HK oso email askg why the system calculation logic so cock....can change or not?....HELLLOOOOOOOO....!!!!!!
and this is on top of the usual scanning and questions i've got to endure from our darling new... not young but act cute contract girl...try to be frenly and ask me silly qns like do i speak Jap and i take CFA for what ar?...i say for 'song' loh (pple usu take exam for fun is it? use ur brain use ur brain!!!) mind cursing n swearing whatz new right...=P i'm a bitch..but i hate it when she hangs arnd my desk when obviously i've got nothing for her to do and the sarcastic words i use to chase her away so she won't stand there and stare at my screen only works for an interval of perhaps 15mins before she's back again...
so in all yet another long full day ....thot can go home relak one my CSI in peace right? WRONG....papa pea see me walk in the door only hurry up tell me his computer repair liao...but the internet connection not workg..can i 'FIX IT'...when i've got time.? time? where got time? find time la....
haiz....IT dept wonder pea have to do O.T...
I only thank my lucky stars this fella still not of the super-tongue-rolling sub-species so at least still can understand him perfectly. Otherwise ah…confirm ‘puuu hui’…
Then as if not time consuming enuff...collg from HK oso email askg why the system calculation logic so cock....can change or not?....HELLLOOOOOOOO....!!!!!!
and this is on top of the usual scanning and questions i've got to endure from our darling new... not young but act cute contract girl...try to be frenly and ask me silly qns like do i speak Jap and i take CFA for what ar?...i say for 'song' loh (pple usu take exam for fun is it? use ur brain use ur brain!!!) mind cursing n swearing whatz new right...=P i'm a bitch..but i hate it when she hangs arnd my desk when obviously i've got nothing for her to do and the sarcastic words i use to chase her away so she won't stand there and stare at my screen only works for an interval of perhaps 15mins before she's back again...
so in all yet another long full day ....thot can go home relak one my CSI in peace right? WRONG....papa pea see me walk in the door only hurry up tell me his computer repair liao...but the internet connection not workg..can i 'FIX IT'...when i've got time.? time? where got time? find time la....
haiz....IT dept wonder pea have to do O.T...
May 01, 2006
Super survivor goldie!
Nothing much to blog about but I did come across this article which caught my cute! i oso wannn.....=P
Super Survivor Goldie!
Super Survivor Goldie!
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