Did some clearing of stuff, found a collection of at least 10yrs worth of old cards/letters, some so old, i don't even remember the person who sent it, many from very good friends who have seen me throught thick and thin, some so sentimental, reading it still brings tears to my eyes, it's time however to be out with the old and in with the new... This is but a small selection of the overflowing-shoe-box-full collection I acquired. In this day of electronic mail and greeting cards, it's gonna be a dying trend. Somehow, technology still can't beat the self-penned thoughfulness of a card.
Ah well...into the trash it goes....think it's good to clear the clutter...in every sense of the word....to move forward...to probably a smaller place with lesser space....for renewal....for clarity of mind and heart..."shi(4) shi(2) hou(4) le(4).....