need to bitch...
have a relatively new collg...sit beside me...v anal...super careful in his piece of paper check 3times type...why i say anal? have u met someone who..
1) When he leaves his desk for 2mins to go loo/pantry/use another terminal 2 desks away....he will screen lock the computer? like helloooo.....??? we are not dealg in top secret if u read my screen i've gotta kill you type work loh...
2) When another collg does part of the work for him and hands over to him...he will actually redo the entire thing again?
3) One nite hadta share a cab home coz as usual my taxi uncles seem to fail me when i need them most....he claim cabfare from the form actually write down :(2pax...and my name on it as well??? wah lau eh! like the company will care that the bill is 4bucks more meh?) oh...and he even tried to claim for mrt fare...can u beat that?
ok ok i admit i'm v biased ... but he's really startg to irritate the hell outta me...
then ah...i oso have a new to chit chat alot type...will 'chap ji kah' whenever he hears us talkg amongst ourselves...and we all agree he like to crack 'len xiao hua'type...and when we left work today...he realised we were all going out for dinner n drinks...nobody said anythg to him...but he again 'chap ji kah' and say 'will join u guyz for a drink next time if i can'...??? haiz....whatz wrong with these pple???
ok...bitch kao liao...
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Your boss trying to be fren fren mah... after all, he's new and prob got no frens...
But the anal colleague is mega funny... I bet u go out makan with him, sure vomit blood until die one...
Imagine this hapenning during lunch with 3 people...
Anal Colleague (AC): Drinks anyone?
You: Liang teh.
Colleague A (CA): Coffee.
AC comes back with drinks...
AC: That will be $1.20 for the canned drink and $0.60 for the coffee, but the drink can dented, so I managed to get a $0.10 discount, we split this discount since I worked hard bargaining. Pea, pay me $1.15 can liao.
You throw $1.20 in his face.
You guys decide to order some dishes to share... and total bill comes up to $20.
AC: I pay first...
AC proceeds to pay up.
AC: Okay our individual share is $6.66666666....
AC: Okay, I chin chai a bit. I'll pay a bit more, $6.67. You two can pay me back $6.665 each.
Not bothering about where this 0.5 cents is coming from, he just waits for you guys to pay up.
Gua gua... vomit blood. conclusion is .....
1)the fella is anal....that much has already been confirmed.
2) you are sibuay free to leave such a long well-thought-out comment =P
I empathise with your situation, however it made my day reading this column... vomit blood? I think not.. esp from a 3rd party perspective.. hee hee
looks like my blog has become your dose of 'entertainment weekly'...=P
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