April 15, 2006

I thank thee...

hmmm...gd friday...long wkend...goodie goodie...we all can do with more time for ourselves.

In the spirit of the season, I was caught in a rather reflective mood. I realise I am very grateful for my great, wonderful and generous friends...

fatdix...not just generous in girth(applies to only 1/2 of that partnership =P ) but also in feeding /leading us to wholesome, hearty meals...for the countless batalong express rides....for letting me rip their amazing collection of cds...

my trusty gal-frenz who are always just a phonecall away when i need company to hang out with or just a listening ear to bitch into...

my colleagues who have become my friends...it's an amazing synergy we've got going...this kind of camaradarie is rarely seen in any workplace. From mama S who cares for each of our well being as if she really was our mother. To my other colleagues who are always generous in dishing out the jokes, some of which are at my expense...(tis ok...as long as you guyz happy...i happy.) it makes the mundane more tahan-able and the days more pleasant.

well... for my other friends...m also very generous...here's your chance to offer to send me home so as to chope a place in pea's rolodex of 'modern and wildly wondeful' friends...haha....still can't get over my silly neighbour's comment laa...

lastly i'm also very grateful for the toto $2mil prize money that i'm going to strike..;P


Anonymous said...

hee... toto prize can share not?

c3 on behalf of mama S, c1 + cMoo

Anonymous said...

wah piang, french loaf head ! this is freaking hilarious !

Toadjuice said...

I'll drink to that!