well...only 2 outcomes possible...both not too bad for me also la
option 1: stay put...no change in status quo...with the current lack of vol, it will just mean more time on msn and leaving on time...both i'm getting rather good at recently...
option 2: i get to move...i get to occupy myself and at least learn somethg new...save a collg from certain hell due to close proximity scanning radiation...but it'll mean giving up my 'feng shui wei' that i've had for the past 2+ yrs...then i won't get to 'da yan se' at 33 nor happy happy walk over to 'kar chiau' my other frenz over at the other end of the room.....hmmm...a sacrifice indeed...ha..
ahhh...guess all will b revealed in time...in time...shld be an interesting week ahead...hope we all play our cards right...
speaking of play...

my animal farm wkend started on fri nite...with cookie the 'tua bui' yellow lab that when she sits down really look like a big 'lup chiong'...haaa..yummy yummy...super strong too and will only walk a couple of steps with any1 of us before she realises she ain't supposed to and will just plonk herself on her butt n not budge...
and the father n son team of terry n brownie...so small....so fierce! can actually carry them in one shoulder bag...so neat...so....erm....'legally blonde'...the mama was in pink too! the auntie in pink...heh...
'tis was a rather entertaining wkend at tanjong beach on sat...with a small yelpy harper(the pom-spitz-mutt who recgonises me!) barking her head off at the very much larger but sedate (or perhaps he was just confused that such a small thing can make so much noise for so long) beemer the goldie....

my conclusion: small dogs make lotsa noise...big dogs got small hearts..hehh...
lotsa exercise lined up this wk too...now if only my silly foot wart will just disappear miraculously and stop buggging me...
next up..coldplay concert! woo hoo!...=) itz been awhile since i went to a concert...shld be fun...
Wah seh! Looks like many busy days ahead eh?
heh heh,wat can i say, u gotta very vocal god-daughter...hee hee hee...
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