November 23, 2006

complain blog

dam shack dam shack dam shack...
no motivation...
no inspiration...
feeling bleh...

waiting for somethg exciting to happen...
weekdays r too long n weekends too short...
need a haircut...need new eyeballs...need more time for myself...
need a massage...need to get zapped...need to grow taller
need a break...need to dive...need a man (haha)

it's december soon n m not goin on a trip...damn.


JonnBryan said...

I'll bring you a seashell from the Andamans.....

Anonymous said...

If you really need a man , u can call me anytime :). If you need a rel man that is...

Anonymous said...

need new eyeballs????

Toadjuice said...

What's a REL man? Heh heh... one letter short of being REAL?