May 06, 2007


realised a coupla things over last week.

1) boys can and probably are more sampat n gossipy than girls. the only difference is, they can gossip and shoot very succint questions at the subject of the gossip who is present in their midst.
girls generally will give face and only gossip behind the subject's back.

2) Mary's food still lives up to standards, and I feel hungry just thinking about the goreng pisangs and ngoh hiang rolls...yum...

3) Met up with a fren i haven't caught up with for awhile and she passed me 'the secret'...good reminder of all the stuff that I know and should be using but have lost sight of along the way.

4) Take home quote from Spidey 3 :"For all the things that life throws at us, there's always a choice".

5) If all else fails, when i grow old and wrinkled, I have a couple who will gladly totter around and watch tv with me (esp porn channels 304-309?) and laugh at the subtitles until our false teeth drop out. It's part sad...part reassuring ...don't know how else to describe it man...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

v sad meh? lao pa can cook and i can clean. nt too bad mah. haha. nt to mention we provide each other extra entertainment when nt watching 'hot moans'. Hahaha.