September 07, 2007

Amm chio or TL worthy?

It's been awhile since i blogged, some big guy said must make pea either amm chio or TL then she will blog about it one...

Before i forget, I read an article about facebook allowing search engines like google/yahoo etc to access n find your info. So better go change your privacy settings (article says u hv about 1mth to do it) unless you have an exhibitionist streak, in which case, you might wanna go beautify your site.

The pea has been really busy and hectic at work..only this week has been rather manageable.
I got abit annoyed at my probs collg (ie. collg w some probs la) , I have an issue about how slow motion he answers the phonecalls and how buay zi dong he is sometimes. The nickname given to him behind his back is really apt --tua pek kong(TPK)...sometimes dunno what he doing la..really sit there like TPK loh, like to give instructions somemore. Most of the time i ignore la, esp when he dunno head or tail n chap ji kah. Other than that i guess he's ok la, we keep to ourselves mostly, afterall guess it's just a job n we all working for much the same thing.

Found out this bank is really like what i feared rather stingy when it comes to payout. So really quite sian stress for what right? What to do, some is better than none. Gotta hang in there for yr then see how.

nothing amm-chio-able to blog about...unfortunately...

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