Today i listened to my philosophical doctor as he drew my blood.....expounding on the virtues of living a peaceful life. How in the ancient 3 kingdom story, the enemy would tell his opponent:"I wish you exciting times ahead".....meaning wishing upon his opponent a time of turbulence and war....doc went on to say that when he was younger...he dreaded mundane tasks...considering them boring...but now he cherishes these times as he feels that he is more at peace need for unneccessary stress and excitement.
What's worrying is that I am at least 20yrs younger than him but already share his some of this feeling.

Today I also packed another section of my past 20yrs into a cardboard box. some things i found I don't even remember I had/kept, so figured there'll be no loss to throw them out. With this downsizing of space...there's only room for the essentials....old photos however, really brings back memories and makes me wish i could turn back time....I miss the pooches... leslie the jap spitz and sa-kwa's the one doing the doggy yoga.
1 comment:
I think your doctor sounds a bit disturbed.
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