August 23, 2008

don't sweat it

this week didn't bring good news, heard that a long time family friend of my mum's who is a cancer survivor and had a masectomy 20+yrs ago suffered a relapse and had to do a second masectomy, to add insult to injury, even after this operation, her cancer blood cell count is something like 24/29....while we may not be medically in the know enough to really understand what that means, but from the sound of it, it points to 'oh shit indeed'.....what can we do...what can we might have everythg but if you don't have the health to enjoy it then .....

wake up call hopefully for my dad as well who's blood sugar is high and is borderline diabetic...not funny if he continues eating like a big kid....mum's understandably concerned and naggy and i also kena the side bullets and try very hard to stay out of the firing range...

i suppose....when i look at the big picture....we really shouldn't have to sweat the small stuff and it's almost allllll small stuff in the wide canvas of our to stay....what to eat....millions of other things we fuss about daily....all small stuff....mum said we all gotta go one's a question of how u live determining how u do we do we go.....?

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