As the doc sat scrapping my foot with a blade and injecting liquid nitrogen to freeze dry the dam thing ...i tried to distract myself from the pain by staring at his stuff on the wall...there were pictures of a toddler boy and a A4 size charcoal sketch ....which i thot was pretty neat for a lil' fella to accomplish...

me:" wah...ur son drew dat ah? quite good ar?"
doc:"huh? that drawing on my wall? no la! thatz a picasso" (duhh..wld u have guessed?)
me:" oooooooooooh, sorry....i'm not cultural" (wah lau! si eh lak sek)
doc:"and thatz not my son, he's my nephew"
me:" ???????????????? (this doc quite frenly/cheery loh...)
After procedure...
doc:"you alright?"
me:"yup...thot it'll be more major tho' thot i'd get an mc for 2mr"
doc:"nah..not ok to go back to work right?"
me:"err ..ya...dun need my feet to work la"
doc:" ???????????" (at this point he must b thinkg this girl dam strange la)
after i hobbled back to office...was relating my excursion to the doc's to my collgs...i cld hear scanner tell mama "selene, huei lai le".....
In my mind a thousand lightbulbs flashed at once....hurry up make apptm for lunch 2mr so that i won't have to lie if she ask me a 4th time...haaa...dam jiak lut...=P
anyway...lesson learnt today.....dun walk arnd barefoot if u can help it....warts are apparently quite common....esp if u hang out at the boats... etc....
Taking effort to wear slippers is much more worth it then getting foot warts...quite an annoying and painful experience...unless of course u want an exciting excursion to the doc's la...then different story...
try this,'MC, i want,now.' works.
Actually, the doctor offered. He ask if you needed MC or not...
Just say YES! Sure give one.
This type of thing cannot paiseh one...
you're weird to decline the MC.......
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