the three mouse-ke-teers...my cousins n me (grandaunt used to call us the "san zhi lao shu")

My love for pooches n my sam-seng-ness developed at a young age...

tri-bike racing was quite 'in' then too...
***DISCLAIMER: PEA'S BITCHING SITE*** What pea says in this blog is purely the ramblings of an active mind before she turns on the screen saver mode. Exaggeration, however slight or extreme is guaranteed in order to enhance her countless fans' reading pleasure. The majority of what is blogged is true...either that or the figment of her imagination is darn real...in which case...she might seriously consider a career in writing...
OMG!! wic 1 is u....all look like BOY... :P
i still tomboy..but still cute..=P
buay tahan!
Wah, if at that time i see you in the streets, i will run away! scared kena han tam.
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