Grandpa in his much younger days...trying to teach us the value of patience, guess from the look on our faces...we didn't really quite get it.
on a lighter note...i'm beginning to wonder if the lack of mental stimulation is really affecting my brain function.
Stuff that happened this week:
1) brought my collg to eat this collagen noodle plc only to find that itz a totally different shop. Only realised today that I led her to a totally different street...of course cannot find la!
2) caught a movie this week...happily collected the tickets...read the print and announced :"oh! it's five o'clock" (i meant to say the movie is screening in cinema no. 5 but somehow the wiring betw the brain and the mouth short-circuited)
3) found out Pekya is also from the same secondary school as me..she was asking me what class I was in...i thot for a while and rattled :"oh! i was from class 1B,2C,3A,4A,5A,6A...
?????? (since when s'pore sec school got 6yrs one?) ??????
think she oso blur for awhile but perhaps she was too polite to point out my boo boo...either that or my frens who were wif me in the car (fatdix) oso not really paying attention la!
4) my fren jo n me basically were so blur we unintentionally tekan-ed sheu sum to sprint 400m to collect his stuff from his gym when we could hv easier made a u-turn and dropped him off...
come to think of it...my frenz also quite blur....so maybe m not the only one losing it hor? =P
Pea has lost her MArbles.... Period!
hmmm... I just learnt about this term "quarter life crisis" somewhere, I guess we're too occupied on thinking about how to pace the rest of out life ahead... and it is a real case of do nothing but still can collect pay at the eom in the office... adds to possibility of getting senile earlier... haiz
so sorry for the lose of your grandpa. do take care.
pray that all is well with your family...
hey ms pea, count ur self lucky. u only relaps now. i got it years ago.... :P
ok, i'm her frd jo.
the one tat so blur tat still can terkan ppl to run 400m. not bad when the brain is switch off. :P
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