March 16, 2008

It's time...

Did some clearing of stuff, found a collection of at least 10yrs worth of old cards/letters, some so old, i don't even remember the person who sent it, many from very good friends who have seen me throught thick and thin, some so sentimental, reading it still brings tears to my eyes, it's time however to be out with the old and in with the new... This is but a small selection of the overflowing-shoe-box-full collection I acquired. In this day of electronic mail and greeting cards, it's gonna be a dying trend. Somehow, technology still can't beat the self-penned thoughfulness of a card.

Ah well...into the trash it goes....think it's good to clear the every sense of the move probably a smaller place with lesser space....for renewal....for clarity of mind and heart..."shi(4) shi(2) hou(4) le(4).....

March 01, 2008

ka lang ka bok...

what a strange few days....thursday was dam ka-lang-ka-bok for me, overslept and had to rush....only had time to brush teeth/wash face/pee before heading for work, amazing i still made it on time. Half way thru the day tho' my phone konked off, the battery was flat, must've been becoz the screen was flashing for half an hr in the morning for some strange reason...feel so lost la, think we really depend too much on our mobiles, gone are the days we can recite most of our friends numbers.....i also think i'm 'losing it' abit coz such things don't happen to me one loh....abit thrown off centre type of feeling.....haiz...also dunno what to say least no harm no foul la...

Also found out that after mama pea's pep talk, she also voiced her concerns to my adoptive folks, who tried to act blur (I hope successfully) and act surprised and field questions regarding my self imposed situation....must be some pre-mature old age crisis mama pea is going through la.

Feel so drugged out lethargic these last 2 can open eyes at 9am, then roll over sleep eyes again at 10am..then roll other side n sleep somemore...finally woke up at 11am to princess' phonecall to jio us over for a rare pasta treat. =)

what is the best thing to do on a cool, rainy saturday? make a cup of hot tea....kick back, relax and watch a dvd....