July 31, 2008

How to live....

I just watched a 1hr16min long clip on youtube, think we all need a reminder every once inawhile.

valuable lessons from Randy Pausch's last lecture:
  • We can't change the the cards we are dealt but we can change how we play our hand
  • wait long enough and people will surprise you, find the best in everyone, no one is all evil, just keep waiting, people will show you their good side.
  • if people piss you off, you just haven't given them enough time (i'd try to remember this)
  • brick walls are there to let you prove how badly you want something, they let us show our dedication
  • never lose your childlike wonder
  • help others
  • loyalty is a 2-way street
  • We can' t get there alone, believe in karma, tell the truth, be earnest, apologise if you screw up and focus on others, not yourself
  • Don't bail, the best gold is at the bottom of the crap
  • do the right thing and good stuff has a way of happening
  • Show gratitude
  • Don't complain, just work harder
  • Be good at something, it makes you valuable
  • Be prepared, luck happens when preparation meets opportunity

Lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you.

July 24, 2008

freaking 24th of July....

today don't blog bu ke yi, it's so amazingly fucked up....
today is rather significant, coz i think i've come a long way since 10yrs ago.
today i got the keys to my new house, I may be just a part owner but hey it's still a rather big deal to me.
today i had to 'fly aeroplane' to my dinner apptm coz was in a really bad mood + pms + abit emo + kena whole load of shit i had to clear at work all coz dear fabulous problematic fart man decided it's not impt to use his brains at work and left a big ugly mess while he went away to HK for biz cum pleasure trip (which shld've hv been my privilege but let's not nit pick here...), ey wait...maybe that's not fair of me to say that...maybe he really doesn't have much of a brain to use in the 1st place.
today my dad called me to ask me to run a ridiculous errand during my lunchbreak when he was out playing golf/mahjong with his friends, sorry loh, i felt abit bad about turning it down flat but my time is worth alot more than that and i really don't have the luxury of disppearing from office as and when i like, besides collecting the keys to my 1st house is way more impt.
today i worked from 7.30am to 7.30pm...12hrs straight...ok 11hrs...discounting my rush lunch hr break to collect keys....i didn't even have time for lunch.....just munched on some chicken tenders from BK at work in between my cussing and swearing under my breath....

thanks SY for accompanying me for dinner...that was like the most pleasant thing that happened today....after dinner thought wanna take cab home....taxi queue super long coz it rained...wah lau....

boy am i glad the day if over and done with....

July 16, 2008

how do i get to....

twice this week...on the way to work...walking from mrt to office building...i've been stopped by strangers asking for directions.....there are alot of pple in raffles place..... this is s'pore's army i'm talking about....every morning...i witness the wave of continuous heads going up the 3 side-by-side escalators at the mrt n the lagging throng of pple inching their way to get to the start of these escalators..n i think to myself...this is really s'pore's (financial) army....

so back to the question why ask me for directions? either there are alot of pple who are simply just lost....or i really look like i know where i'm headed....why stop me when u can stop the dude in front or behind or walking almost shoulder to shoulder beside me?

I wish i knew where i was headed....

July 13, 2008


ok...so the wkend is over again.....couple of thoughts....
1) camping in comfort at my parallel universe fren's house was rather enjoyable...thks for having me!...

2) we r definitely not as young as we used to/or would like to be...... coz after just 2 late nights in a row, i feel like my whole body is protesting....the tiredness is not something that i can shake off.....and the thought of yet another loooong work week ahead ain't helping....i think i need a solid solid massage to knead out the kinks n the aches.....

3) space...or the lack there-of.....my folks understand i need my space...as i'm typing this, i've conquered a desk in a corner of the living room and so far no one has come near me...think i'm emitting this 'leave me alone or i might bite your head off' vibe....besides physical space.....i think too much noise just gets to me.....i need to be able to hear myself think...even if i am just stoning...i need to hear it.....it's therapeutic...i like my own thoughts....noise....esp of the kiddy sort...causes my brain to go into involuntary spasms n cramps n leaves it in a permanently knotted headache mode that only 2 panadols might alleviate....not funny....

I might sound ungrateful...but unless u grew up like me....u wouldn't get it..this need for personal space..i'm thankful for my folks...that we hv a place to crash in even while we take our time to sort out where to move to next....i just really really hope....it has enough space.....

July 07, 2008

good grief

the source of much grief ....n veins threatening to pop in the neck.....for my folks the past few days....i think kids in our time were a much easier bunch to manage....

July 06, 2008

bali breakdown

this sunday i'm really feeling the low....of the impending full work week ahead...the beautiful escape is over...the surrealism of last week has died down...back to reality.....is there a better way? we were back just this week but it feels like months ago....life cannot get back to normal....the heart and spirit is restless....

i need another distraction.....another holiday.....another escape.....another something......this must be what mild depression feels like....

whatz the solution? if i knew i wouldn't be here still....