July 13, 2008


ok...so the wkend is over again.....couple of thoughts....
1) camping in comfort at my parallel universe fren's house was rather enjoyable...thks for having me!...

2) we r definitely not as young as we used to/or would like to be...... coz after just 2 late nights in a row, i feel like my whole body is protesting....the tiredness is not something that i can shake off.....and the thought of yet another loooong work week ahead ain't helping....i think i need a solid solid massage to knead out the kinks n the aches.....

3) space...or the lack there-of.....my folks understand i need my space...as i'm typing this, i've conquered a desk in a corner of the living room and so far no one has come near me...think i'm emitting this 'leave me alone or i might bite your head off' vibe....besides physical space.....i think too much noise just gets to me.....i need to be able to hear myself think...even if i am just stoning...i need to hear it.....it's therapeutic...i like my own thoughts....noise....esp of the kiddy sort...causes my brain to go into involuntary spasms n cramps n leaves it in a permanently knotted headache mode that only 2 panadols might alleviate....not funny....

I might sound ungrateful...but unless u grew up like me....u wouldn't get it..this need for personal space..i'm thankful for my folks...that we hv a place to crash in even while we take our time to sort out where to move to next....i just really really hope....it has enough space.....

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