August 01, 2006

what would pea do?

I love Grey's anatomy...superb show...captures all the raw human emotions...never ceases to set me pondering...I like the way the show always ends with a quotable quote...

coupla episodes ago it was :"the world of pretend is a cocoon, it wraps you up and suffocates you"..err or somethg to that effect la...i said the show sets me pondering..but i didn't say for how long or if i'd rmbr it after awhile...heh...

this week's ponder-abt-it quote :"If it was your last day on earth, how would you live it"

I've thought abt this question...but so far i can't really come up with a very good answer...guess i can say that i don't think i've got much regrets in that to me is a pretty gd way to live...

ok...i've got one more chapter of a dam farnee book to get thru' i'm gonna finish it off tonite so i won't regret it...=)


Toadjuice said...

Well, if I know I only have a day left, I would go for one last dive... heh heh... make sure below 100m type... best way to go... narced.

Anonymous said...

this is actually a fundemental FATAism theroy. It's the cardinal truth in Fata Universe. It;s called "Regret Reduction Mechanism" and the theory goes:
1) as we grow older, we have more and more things to regret about.
2) as far as we can....we will try to do things so that we would not regret not doing it or not having a chance to do it later in our lives.

eg. if we go Roach Reef in dec we might see whale shark...but if we don't go we will never know if we will see a whale shark ever the RRM (Regret Reduction Mechanism) will kick in and force us to go Roach reef.....

As such....Regret Reduction Mechanism.....

Anonymous said...

I'll go sky diving... thats closest to flying liao...

Toadjuice said...

The interesting thing about sky diving is, never do it when you are old... all the excess facial skin fluttering in the air is not a pretty sight...

Anonymous said...

Erdinger in Liquid Kitchen... why stop at 1?